NsYnC tOwN

iNfO dRiVe ApT. 411

tHe NsYnC mUsEuM

lAnCe'S fLoOr

JuStY's FlOoR

Jc'S fLoOr

ChRiS's FlOoR

jOeY's fLoOr

cAlEnDaR aVe

vOtInG lAnE

AwArDs StReEt

GuEsTbOoK bLvD.

ShOuToUts LaKe

RaTe My SiTe PoNd

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ThIs Is My ShOuToUtS pAgE tO tHaNk PpL :o)


HaPpY bIrThDaY to: KoHeI ; March 10th ; turning 14 sTePhEn ; March 19th ; turning 18
  //\\// SYNC

ShOuToUt To: //\\// SyNc!!
  4RiEnDs~SeReNa~ : Well, thanks for being such a koo 4riend. Wouldn't trade ya in for anything.... :o) luv ya lots, stay the same.
*jEsSi* : oh mighty Jessi! lol neways, thanks for being JESSI and welcomes for waking you up at 8:30 AM. hehe
~KoHeI~ : wow. your are such a cool friend. Your were there when i needed ya. And thanks for being cool about the CDs!! Happy Belated Birthday :o)
*kEnNeTh* : thanks for being nice about everything and welcomes for those favors .....KA MAN....yes you get it.
~ReY~ : as always, gotta mention what a GGGGRRRRREEEEAAAATTT best friend you are for onlee half a skool year :o) HOpe life treats ya well.
*AnGiE* : well, your socks are clean :o) hehe. i love ya, never forget that. thanks for being who you are.
~sHeIlA~ : thanks for being my breakfast in the morning. i really need it. :o) thanks for being understanding about stuff that no one else could relate to. your are one-of-a-kind.
*jIlLyAnN* : aka LUVER...wells, getting to noe you better this year was one of my fave memories. you listened to me and helped me in every possible.
~kHaOs IvY~ : hello theres. thanks for lending an ear. I really needed when i was down :o)
To those i didn't put on this list yet, sowrie!!! I'll finish this when i have more time.

ShOuToUtS tO aLl Of My FrIeNdS~